I write this letter in response to the recent article “Protests bad for business” where Bendigo and Adelaide Bank chairman Robert Johanson expressed concern about the impact on business and the reputation of Bendigo.
Sure recent events are not good for our City and we should continue to work on addressing these issues amongst the various avenues that exist.
But when it comes to what we communicate about our town, there is much to celebrate and share with the rest of the world.
For example, did you know that Bendigo is an amazing creative community with a growing number of creative initiatives popping up everyday?
You may have an inkling that this is happening through grass roots initiatives such as the Bendigo Blues and Roots Music Festival which has literally altered the live music scene in Bendigo over the last 5 years.
But have you tuned into what else is happening?
I am in the process of organizing Make a Change’s final Outside the Square event for the year which is all about Celebrating our Creative Communities to be held December 14. Through this process I have discovered more than 100 different examples of creative initiatives that are active in our community right now. These are just the ones I know of, and I’m sure there are more.
Collectively, these initiatives build vibrancy to our town, social connections and health and well being benefits to many. The brilliant thing about it is that it’s not one organization, or one initiative or one person that is contributing. Whether a maker, doer, or supporter, Bendigo’s Creative Community is something that everyone can get involved in and be a part of.
If you are a business who is concerned about our city’s reputation I encourage you, as a start, to find out about these inspiring creative initiatives and the people behind them. Then support them and let everyone else know about them.
A livable vibrant city is one where people create and innovate. Let’s build on the creativity that already exists in Bendigo and be the envy of the world!