Sport is really important to every community. Behind every team, sporting ground, or court there is a dedicated bunch of people.
We asked the users of the Lancefield Park their top tips for running a successful club.
This article is full of practical tips for people who are running a club, community group, or getting a new project off the ground.
Gary Dickenson President of the Lancefield Bowling Club Inc
Think of creative ways to grow our membership.
When other events are on at the Lancefield Park, we run Barefoot bowls. It is a fun social way to get people of all ages and ability onto the green and enjoy a game of bowls.
Damien Choate
Auskick Coordinator
Engagement is crucial to get lots of help to make things happen. Make sure you ask for help with a smile.
Positive engagement with parents is essential when you have 60 kids at Auskick. It would be impossible without an active community ready to give their time!
Kev McDonald
To survive and thrive, your club needs to be family friendly. Make everyone welcome and get creative. Put on events that acknowledge and celebrate different people in our community.
Your club won’t attract new members if you aren’t family friendly. You need to make sure people experience a safe and pleasant environment. We regularly host functions like “pink stumps day” to thank the women in our community.
Leanne Backwell
President Lancefield Football & Netball Club
As much as you can, communicate with your members and the community who surround your club.
When we communicate well we generate 100% support for the club and we are all working towards the same vision. We stay in touch with players, supporters and the greater community in a variety of ways from our “at home” magazine “Tiger Talk”, to a Thursday night dinner for football and netball players. We stay in touch with the local press, we have representatives who contributes to other clubs and groups outside of ours, because we want to be accessible and help out others.
Rita Vandervalk
Lancefield Girl Guides Leader
Make sure everyone has a fun and successful time.
Girl Guides is for primary aged girls so having fun while you are learning is really important. The girls and I plan activities together so they are involved in the planning and drive ideas.
Amy Bell
Led the skate park funding
Persistence, determination and time are all qualities that help make things happen. Yet you need to be flexible as others start to support your cause, while keeping the bigger picture in mind.
Roger Barr
Lancefield Tennis Club
Get out in the community and have a community profile.
Back in 2011 we raised $55,000 to build four new courts, with a membership of 55 people. It was tough going. We went to every community event and hosted lots of fundraisers. We raised the money, increased our membership to 135 people and people now think our club is vibrant, healthy and progressive.
Share your top tips to success with us too and find out about our next community event to be held in Lancefield on Sunday 5 June.