
Setting Yourself Up in 2015

By February 16, 20158. General News



shared with you recently the importance of taking time out to dream, my personal reflections on being a Changemaker in 2015 and how to make a change for yourself without setting a New Years resolution. Now it’s
time to share with you an effective method to set yourself up powerfully
for the year ahead. I’ve used this myself over the last few years
myself and it’s made such a difference.


You’ll love this, Click here to
How to Set Yourself Up Powerfully for the Year Ahead.

may want to set some time aside in your favorite reflective space to do
this. Also grab some paper and coloured textas or pencils.

1. Create a theme

on the previous year and what worked and didn’t work for you. Think
about what new personal skills you’d like to develop this year.

year I had quite a lot of different voluntary and paid roles for
different initiatives on the go. I found it difficult to concentrate on
any one thing. This year I decided I wanted to work on one or two things
so I could concentrate on them and make them fly.

With this in mind the theme I chose for the year: Keep it simple

2. Create a mind map 

Work out the different areas of your life you are focusing on this year and draw each one as a branch on a mind map.

Keeping in mind my “Keep It Simple” theme I chose 3 areas (it’s fine to have more):
Me (my health and wellbeing)
Make a Change

3. Who I’m going to be in each area

each branch reflect on who you’d like to be this year in that area. A
way of being or a strength that inspires you. It’s like naming the
reason you spend time on these areas. Choose a reason that is positive
and empowering.

Here are mine:
Family – fun, support, adventure
Me – pride and acknowledgement 
Make a Change – inspiration and contribution

4. Set goals for each area

on what you want to achieve this year in each area. Create some simple
goals that reflect who you are for each area on your mind map and write /
draw them as a sub branch on your mind map.

5. Set reminders

Put your mind map on a wall or a place you will see regularly ( back of toilet door, near your desk etc)

Set a reminder in your phone every morning that states the theme you created in step 1. 

Talk to your friends and colleagues about what you have created. 

This all helps to keep it in existence for the whole year.

And that’s all there is to it. Have a go and let us know how you got on. 

I have 2 exclusive one to one coaching packages available to work through the process with you in more detail. If you’d like to be one of the lucky 2, register here by the 6th March 2015 and I’ll be in contact to schedule a time via Skype or face-to-face if in Bendigo*.


*This coaching package must be complete by 30th April 2015. The first two people who register and pay by the 6th March will be selected. For more information contact Karen.