
Living With Water: A Recap of Our Third Gathering

By July 22, 20248. General News

“Living With Water – Too little? Too much? How can we adapt” proved to be a good question for kick starting our third Let’s Talk About BIG Weather  gathering, held on Thursday, July 18th. Community members gathered at the Boort Lawn Tennis Club for presentations & discussions on the theme. The focus for this was on adapting to the changing climate & the varying impacts of rainfall, droughts & floods on our lives & environment, now & into the future.

Event Overview

The Let’s Talk About BIG Weather project aims to raise awareness about extreme weather impacts on the Loddon Mallee region & to support local solutions. This event brought together diverse perspectives to discuss the challenges posed by changing weather patterns & to share ideas on how we adapt & better prepare our communities.

Key Takeaways from the Speakers 

Uncle Rick Nelson:

  • Conducted a smoking ceremony to welcome attendees to the country, highlighting the traditional owners & the inherent wisdom they bring to all the topics in discussion within this program

Oli Moraes, Djaara:

  • Highlighted the importance of managing & healing forests & landscapes, as essential to healing water
  • Discussed how water flows quickly across the land, causing erosion, & the need to slow it down through revegetation
  • Mentioned the Forest Garden project, a collaboration with landowners to learn & apply the Aboriginal ways, of healing the land

Jo Bear, Local Farmer:

  • Shared her experiences of farming through the millennial drought & recent floods
  • Emphasised working with nature for mental health & sustainability, guided by three core principles: flourishing people, caring for the environment & financial viability
  • Provided examples of sustainable practices she is implementing, including wetland rehabilitation, grassland conservation, involving schools + local mob & diversifying income streams such as corporate partnerships, tree planting for carbon credits, etc

Rebecca Mitchell, Agriculture Victoria:

  • Discussed the variability of Boort’s annual rainfall & its impact on soil health
  • Explained how soil structure is crucial for retaining water & nutrients
  • Introduced the new Soil Health Guide, which provides tools for understanding & managing soil health in extreme climates

Donna Doyle, Boort District Health:

  • Reminded the community of the importance of support during extreme weather events & the long recovery process
  • Highlighted services offered by Boort District Health, such as the Royal Flying Doctor Wellbeing Clinic & the Orange Door Service for domestic violence situations, emphasising the increase in gender-based violence during disasters

Participant Input

Attendees shared their ideas on adapting to & preparing for a changing climate:

  • Addressing farmer fatigue & stress related to water buybacks & other challenges – including connecting to a long-term vision & having a supportive community
  • Developing community knowledge projects on climate change & progressive practices, such as a rural version of the “Little Food Festival”
  • Improving the sustainability of hospitals & understanding community impacts of climate change
  • Using networks to connect people with necessary resources & support
  • Ensuring climate action is on the agenda in all community organizations
  • Supporting leaders & innovators in the community
  • Transitioning to zero-emission vehicles & sustainable practices in community health services
  • Implementing water-saving & soil improvement techniques in home gardens
  • Continuing home insulation & energy-saving measures
  • Revegetating properties to slow water flow & prevent erosion
  • Collaborating with farmers on sustainable projects like the Forest Garden

Outcomes & Next Steps

The event successfully brought awareness to attendees about the importance of adapting to changing weather patterns & inspired actionable steps. Key outcomes include:

  • Increased understanding of sustainable practices & the importance of soil health
  • New connections & collaborations across organisations & projects to address these challenges
  • Commitment from participants to implement revegetation projects, & sustainable farming practices
  • Enhanced support for mental health & building resilience during extreme weather events
  • Plans to integrate climate action into community organizations & infrastructure projects

Moving forward, we will continue to support participants in implementing their ideas & promoting sustainable practices within the community.

This includes an invitation to attend our next community gatherings as part of this series, as well as encouraging participation in our FREE Expand Your Impact workshops coming up in September & October. For more information & to register visit Series 1 starting Tuesday 3rd Sept, Series 2 starting Thursday 24th Oct

Thank you to all who attended & contributed to this vital conversation!

This gathering is part of Let’s Talk About BIG Weather – raising awareness for & supporting the development of local solutions to the impacts of extreme weather. This project is supported by FRRR, through funding from the Australian Government’s Future Drought Fund. To find out more visit www.makeachange.org.au/big-weather