
Kitchen Table Conversations Thankyou and Next Steps

By November 24, 20148. General News


Last month’s Outside the Square event on Kitchen Table
Conversations for Change was a huge success.  Alana Johnson from Voices for Indi gave us a really inspiring talk on the power of conversations and
overall it was a great night full of energy, enthusiasm and

The purpose of this event was to assist Bendigo a Thinking City (BaTC)
build momentum for their 500 Conversations Initiative – a hugely
exciting initiative to reengage the broader community about the future
of our city.

The 500 Conversations organising group have met since then and are planning the next steps. If
you would like to join in the fun then email [email protected] to get involved.

To stay in the conversation make sure you join the Kitchen Table Conversations facebook page. You may be inspired to start planning your own kitchen table conversation too – check out the draft  Kitchen Table Conversations Kit, and keep your eyes open for the revised version coming out soon based on everyone’s feedback from the night.

Thankyou to everyone who helped make the night a great success. A huge
thankyou to the Bendigo a Thinking City team for making this night
possible and organising an amazing initiative. Thanks also to the City of Greater Bendigo for their support, Ian McBurney for his great MCing, La Trobe University for their catering, The Old Church on the Hill for the venue and the Bendigo Sustainability Group for the drinks.

We hope to see you round a kitchen table very soon!