Make a Change Australia is hosting, Greater Bendigo’s Curriculum for Change – a series of discussions and events throughout 2017, underlining how each and everyone of us, can play a part in creating the future we want.
Whilst we recognise that the focus of this initiative is in the Bendigo region, we extend our invitation to anyone that would like to participate wherever they are around Australia.
There are a number of ways changemakers can participate regardless of their location:
Join our online conversation
We’ll be inviting people to share “what they reckon” on specific themes throughout the year. Let us know what you think.
Share your own stories for change, with us
We love including stories about other changemakers. It’s always inspiring, and it’s a great way to share experience.
Contact us to see how we can collaborate
We’re all about collaboration and supporting locals to make change happen and we have a suite of well developed engagement tools and formats to enable this. Get in touch to see how we can assist.
Come to Bendigo for a long weekend
All our scheduled events are on a Thursday evening…so why not come and meet us, and make a long weekend of it? Bendigo has heaps to offer, including all the new connections you’ll make on the night.
In the meantime, connect with us via media: Facebook | Twitter | Instagram
Warm Regards Karen and the Make a Change team