
Calling residents, businesses, community organisations, students & ALL who live, work or hang out in Gannawarra Shire!

This series of events has ended. To stay in the loop with future projects sign up to the mailing list here

You’re invited to take part in a community conversation about the weather. Everyone can get involved with 3 local opportunities…

    Positive Green Spaces

    Wed 13 Nov 12.30-2pm, Grow Collective Garden, Kerang
    RSVP for catering HERE or via (03) 5450 9333

    Living with Water

    Wed 20 Nov 6-7.30pm, The Big Cohuna Stockyard, Cohuna
    RSVP for catering HERE  or via (03) 5450 9333

    What do you reckon?

    Share your thoughts, experience & ideas on the weather,
    it’s direct impacts & local solutions HERE

Scroll below for more information…

Tell us what you reckon about the weather

Have you now, recently or ever been impacted by extreme weather?

What’s one incident you can think of & how did you respond?

Would you be willing to share your thoughts, ideas, experiences for others to learn from?

Share your thoughts here

Join us for a meal, a cuppa & some local wisdom

In November, we’re hosting 2 casual community gatherings. With a meal provided, there’ll be local speakers talking about their own experiences & solutions:

COMMUNITY LUNCH: Positive Green Spaces
Wed 13 Nov 12.30-2pm, Grow Collective Garden, Kerang


  • Millie Ross: From Gardening Australia. Discussing creative solutions that can be applied to various gardens.
  • Angela Hird: President of the Kerang Landcare Group. Talks about local species and gardening techniques and the Activating Green Corridors project from Kerang Landcare Group
  • Claire Fry: Manager of Kerang Neighbourhood House. Promoting community well-being through access to nutritious food and the importance of volunteering.

COMMUNITY DINNER: Living with Water
Wed 20 Nov 6-7.30pm, The Big Cohuna Stockyard, Cohuna


  • Dale Grey: Big Wets, Big Drys – Seasonal risk agronomist with Agriculture Victoria where he has worked for 30 years. From The Fast Break, Dale will be presenting historic Goulburn and Murray river flow data and explaining what has caused some of the big wets and the big drys. He will also provide a brief synopsis of the climate outlook for the next three months.
  • Jo Bear: A Local Farmer with a different perspective to farming on the Loddon River flood plain
  • Dale Boyd: Member of the climate team in the Agriculture Sector Development division with Agriculture Victoria. Discussing tools available for farmers to assess soil moisture, that can assist make informed farming decisions
Let us know you're coming HERE

More ways to join the conversation

Join the Make a Change Facebook Group to connect with like-minded people. This is a place for anyone who wants to make a change. It’s for sharing knowledge, ideas, inspiration, and support, assisting all to keep going!

Connect Here


Big weather events are happening more often, prompting us to seek new ideas, solutions & approaches for the future. Join us to discuss extreme weather in the Gannawarra Shire region, its direct impacts & local solutions for our communities.

Hosted by Make a Change in partnership with many local organisations, this initiative is designed for us to ‘talk about the weather’. How have we been impacted? What have we learned? What local solutions can we activate moving forward?

We believe that by sharing insights & ideas, we can collectively explore possible solutions: aiming to improve circumstances & lessen the impact of extreme weather events on the people we care about, the organisations we are part of & the towns we live in.

For more information and questions get in touch with the Make a Change team via [email protected] or 0483 104 361

If you’d like to bring an initiative like this to your community, get in touch with the Make a Change team via: [email protected] or 0483 104 361