
Expand your Impact in Action

By September 25, 20148. General News


A few months ago these words arrived in my inbox:

“Just a quick note to thank you again for the great workshop sessions you ran last month. I can’t thank you enough!”


Joel Spry attended our Expand your Impact Workshops back in April. His email continued; “Things are developing here as a result. I’ve rearranged my life and am now connecting everything possible that I do to my own personal vision. An example of this is that I’ve booked a flight to San Francisco and will attend the Ancestral Health Symposium next month. This has been a dream of mine for a couple of years now but I’ve always been a ‘gonna’ gonna do this, gonna do that, but now I’m going to actually do it! Your workshops have provided me with the tools to gather clarity, both in work and where I want to be. I feel really confident now that these things that I have planned will work”.

We caught up with Joel after his trip to San Francisco and asked Joel about his life changing decision to expand his impact and go overseas to connect deeper to his personal vision.  “Expand your Impact  workshops empowered me to get close to my personal vision, and gave me the tools for confidence to make a difference in my life and in others lives”

He explained that the workshops were really well presented and clear.  The key insight he took away from the four day workshops was a decision making process to make decisions to work out what is meaningful. ” You can’t go wrong if you are doing something meaningful.” 

Joel works in agriculture supporting farmers to make great decisions to regenerate their land. His aim is to communicate information to empower change so that change is a choice.  His vision is to provide help before people experience hardship and pain, so that they can choose to flourish through change.  All too often change is imposed on farmers due to trauma, pain and tragedy. 

His overseas research and personal experience has shown him that farmers, like anyone making change, need support.  Joel works hard to ensure that farmers bring their wife, son, daughter – their cheer squad to his information field days.  Changemaker’s need structure and accountability to explore their ideas safely and make their vision happen.