We celebrate difference!
We understand that different people bring their own ‘special something’ to the mix. We also know people like to contribute in their own special way.
Are you someone who wants to support the creation of positive change, locally or globally and don’t have the time or the head space to volunteer? You know many great people are doing great things in community and want to support them? You CAN give now by making a small donation.
The work of Make a Change fosters community-led solutions to challenges such as inclusion, health and wellbeing, environment, inequality, and disadvantage. We believe that as a community we have the answers, so finding solutions for ourselves is worth the investment. To support our efforts we are constantly looking for funding to enable us to expand our impact and invigorate the work of fellow Changemakers.
Your donation would assist us to do our work
All donations are tax deductible and are gratefully accepted no matter how big or small.
We’ll keep you updated on our progress and the value your contribution is making.
We thank you for your commitment and vision. Without this, our work would not be possible.
Donate now at https://www.givenow.com.au/jumpleadsnfp
More information
Make a Change is the community division of Jumpleads [nfp] – a charitable institution on:
The National Register of Cultural Organisations with TCC and DGR status.
We consist of a committed Board of Directors and Trustees.
Your generosity, and enormous swags of volunteered time and skills, allow us to deliver benefits to communities.
Warm Regards