Peter Bull and the Viatek Central Victoria Team
When thinking about profiling changemakers in our business community Peter Bull of Viatek immediately came to mind. My work over the years with the Bendigo Sustainability Group would just not have been possible without Viatek!
I asked Peter, General Manager of Viatek ; “How is your business creating change in the community”?
“Our support is creating incremental change. We give our expertise and services to organisations in Bendigo so they can do important work in our community that isn’t in our area of delivery”.
By giving paper, copiers, toners and servicing to the Bendigo Sustainability Group and Bendigo Foodshare, Viatak are directly investing into sustainability and food security for our community now and for the future. Viatek by providing cost free business technology services, means community based resources can be freed up to make an impact.
“We become more sustainable as a business because our community is sustainable.” Says Peter “Do good things and good things will happen.”