Buloke Shire Council has recently introduced a free glass drop off service to help improve the way their community recycles.
This is to keep unnecessary waste out of landfill & ensure glass items can be re-used again & again.
Make A Change was pleased to support Buloke Shire & Sustainability Victoria, on the adapted campaign ‘Buloke|Glass Out’ – to help inform residents about this new service.
Kim Young from Charlton Transfer Station
Designed with the key aim to encourage residents to change the way they currently recycle glass.
Motivating ALL to make the switch from putting used glass items in their yellow bins, to taking them to local drop off sites across their Shire.
This is an important project that is encouraging individuals to take one small action, which in turn collectively makes a BIG IMPACT!
To find out more about new glass recycling happening now across Victoria, check out the video below or visit Sustainability Victoria
To find out more about Buloke Shire’s Glass Out campaign visit https://www.buloke.vic.gov.au/glass-out
If you’d like assistance creating change making campaigns or materials for your own change making initiative, please get in touch here