The Pledge to Asylum Seekers is a declaration of compassion for some of the most vulnerable people in the world.
It is an initiative of Lisa Mariah, who wanted to create ways for herself and others to commit to action. By printing and signing the pledge, as the Rt Hon Malcolm Fraser has done, you are asking for fair and just treatment of people seeking asylum.
Over 200 businesses, organisations and companies have signed and registered their commitment to the Pledge to Asylum Seekers. It has also reached 39 countries and been downloaded from the website more than 800 times. Lisa has generated amazing momentum on a issue that often can cause powerlessness and despair. A feeling of how can I make a change in people’s lives?
Lisa is seeking to continue her work and has found social media a very effective tool. However she would like to learn how to access high profile people and share the pledge through their networks.
At the next session of Let’s Nut It Out Lisa will be exploring ways with fellow changemakers to continue to build the momentum of the Pledge.
Connect in with The Pledge website and facebook page.