10/10 is a 10-month capacity building initiative, mentoring young people to grow their talents, skills and develop leadership qualities for themselves and their community. This program will benefit now and for the future.
If you are a young person between the ages of 16 and 25 and you:
– want to grow skills, talents and leadership qualities and
– you are looking for opportunities to connect and gain support from the Bendigo community
If you are an expert, specialist, or competent business support provider who wants to contribute more, here’s your opportunity to:
10/10 Mentoring is a program to enhance performance, productivity, and results, for 20 selected young people. Each will be matched and partnered with a local mentor, who is a respected specialist within a specific skill area, of interest. These pairs will work on their own relevant projects addressing a variety of local interests and challenges.
This program is generously supported by the FRRR ABC Heywire Youth Innovation Grants Program, Strategem, Beck Legal, BLR Provincial Construction, and the Y Service Club of Bendigo.
It builds upon a previously successful 10/10 Mentoring program delivered in Bendigo in 2018 for the community sector, as well as 9+ years of Make a Change work in community development.
Mentee’s will be selected based on:
- being a resident of/participant in the Bendigo community
- their passion to learn and grow
- their expression of interest to contribute productively to their local community and their area of interest
There is a formal application process for mentors and mentees to be matched – matching mentor skills, to the gaps/challenges the mentee wants to address.
The program includes:
- Guideline materials to support the mentor/mentee relationship
- A minimum of eight mentor-guided sessions
- Leadership and skills training to be provided within each session
- Regular mentor debrief/support
- A completion gathering for all mentors/mentees to connect, attend, celebrate, maintain momentum, network, and share learnings
- Additional resources will be provided to build on content covered in the sessions.
When and where?
The program will be delivered online, using Zoom technology. Agreed dates and online links will be communicated to successful applicants in February 2021.
Why is this project important for the community?
This program aims to strengthen youth leadership. The focus is on developing young people, who are a valuable catalyst for peer to peer influence. They have the potential to make a positive contribution to the community as a whole.
10/10 provides 20 young people with the opportunity to grow capabilities and leadership qualities specifically in their own areas of personal interest. With the support of the Bendigo business and not-for-profit community, the program aims to support this influential group of young people to succeed.
As the future is in their hands this vital investment of care, time, and knowledge is essential now.
Additional benefits for community include:
- Strengthening connections between young people and local business/community organisations, helping to address some of the biggest challenges faced by young people such as unemployment and poor mental health.
- Fostering a culture of sharing local knowledge, as opposed to bringing in experts from ‘out of town’, through accessing skills and expertise from mentors. This enables real relationships to develop locally, increasing potential for sustainable support structures to develop
- Creating a ripple effect of positive impact, via the success of participants involved, and individual or community outcomes they deliver
- Participants involved providing leadership to other individuals and groups wanting to grow and expand, paying benefits forward
- Instilling aspiration and setting a standard for emerging young leaders through the application process and selective criteria
- Providing inspiration and resources to assist others to grow their impact by sharing stories and lessons learned
- Complimenting and building upon the work of other key organisations, including the City of Greater Bendigo’s Youth Strategy addressing issues identified by young people such as coping with stress, school and study issues, body image, education, employment, crime and safety, mental health, and discrimination
Thank you for your interest in 10/10. We look forward to your involvement in this program.
If you have any questions or are interested in bringing this program to your community outside of Bendigo, please contact us here