Let’s Pivot is for not-for-profits, community groups, leaders, and all the great people who like to make a positive impact. If you are looking for support to: – adapt services…
Tell us what you reckon – complete a questionnaire here
See what locals are saying – learn more here
Attend events in Rochester, Inglewood and Raywood – register here
Become a local partner or ambassador – ask us how here
Get in touch directly – contact us here
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Scroll further to register for events and read our latest Ramp Up Resilience news.
This initiative is brought to you by Make a Change Australia, a division of Jumpleads NFP.
An evening of talks, information and networking. Find out the latest on how the changes in weather may impact your home, business, town, and community. See the interesting ways that locals are using to adapt. Learn more about what you can do!
A full day workshop for you to expand your ideas and projects in relation to changes in weather. Specifically, to support local solutions: gain tips, tricks and resources to help make your project happen. An inspiring day for you to clarify your thinking and connect with others.
A day of round table discussion, to fine tune your ideas and forward your projects responding to the impacts of climate change. Work alongside peers and mentors to ‘nut out’ challenges, gain valuable advice and refine project plans, from where they are right now.
Let’s Pivot is for not-for-profits, community groups, leaders, and all the great people who like to make a positive impact. If you are looking for support to: – adapt services…
These are both challenging and rewarding times, depending on your point of view. Many people have more questions than answers, like: How to adapt? For how long? And why? This…
People from across seven Central Victorian Shires came together in Inglewood to expand the impact of their work, vision, projects and ideas on the themes of: Building Resilience and Caring…
Central Victoria experienced a warmer, drier July than normal in 2019 (Bureau of Meteorology), consistent with long-term warming trend across the globe. This has raised concerns for many locals on…
Strengthening connections in communities builds resilience. It is a critical ingredient for communities to effectively grow, respond, and recover in times of hardship. We were recently asked to assist St Matthews…
Councils play an essential role in supporting their local communities to build resilience, develop and thrive. Particularly in areas such as improving health and wellbeing, taking care of those in…
Curious About Climate Thursday 20th June, 5:30pm – 8:30pm Rochester Shire Hall, 45 Mackay St, Rochester Offering a FREE bus service from: STOP 1, 2.30pm: Wedderburn Neighbourhood House Address:…
Curious About Climate Thursday 20th June, 5:30pm – 8:30pm Rochester Shire Hall, 45 Mackay St, Rochester LOOK WHO’S TALKING… Cr Leigh Wilson Campaspe Shire Council Welcome Sacha Jellinek Greening…
Greta Thunberg is our current hero, as she seems to understand a little action goes a long way… We’ve chatted to lots of people over the last couple of…
The challenges of weather and climate as they impact people at the local level is the central theme of a new and exciting community initiative. Launching this week in Loddon,…
Echuca Neighbourhood House
Lockington Neighbourhood House
Echuca Regional Health
Rochester/Elmore District Health
Girgarre Community Cottage
Inglewood Neighbourhood House
Inglewood District Health Services
Inglewood Primary School
Wedderburn Community House
Wedderburn Lions Club
Foundation for Rural and Regional Renewal
Goulburn Broken Greenhouse Alliance
Department Environment Land Water and Planning
Loddon Mallee Waste and Resource Recovery Group
Woodvale Progress Association